Rapid quantification of bioaerosols containing Legionella Pneumophila by chemiluminescence antibody microarrays - Bertin Technologies

Rapid quantification of bioaerosols containing Legionella Pneumophila by chemiluminescence antibody microarrays

Sources: Institute of Hydrochemistry and Chair for Analytical Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany


Bioaerosols containing Legionella may cause Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever in humans. Legionella occur in natural and artificial water systems and are ubiquitous therein. Infection of humans is only caused by inhaling bioaerosols containing these bacteria. Those bioaerosols are, for example, generated by hot water systems, air-conditioning systems, while showering or by cooling towers and can be a threat for the health of people in surrounding areas. Rapid detection methods are essential to combine sampling of bioaerosols with multiplexed analysis for specification and quantification of Legionella species in air. The rapid quantification of bacteria with flow-through chemiluminescence microarrays was established in our laboratories and is applied for bioaerosol analysis in this work[1].

[1] V.Langer and al. Rapid quantification of bioaerosols containing L.pneumophila by Coriolis® µ air sampler and chemiluminescence antibody microarrays, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 48 (June 2012), pp. 46-55, doi:10.1016/j.aerosci.2012.02.001


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