Carrying out surveillance & gathering intelligence with Camsight LP integrated into the Flexnet solution - Bertin Technologies

Carrying out surveillance & gathering intelligence with Camsight LP integrated into the Flexnet solution

CamSight LP is an OEM camera module that, when integrated with Exensor’s Scout camera, provides enhanced day/night vision and allows to quickly detect and identify any potential threat on the ground in difficult operational conditions.

Having a greater awareness of one’s surroundings is highly strategic for the military when conducting Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (ISR) missions. On the field, information is collected through enduring observation by deployed soldiers, along with a wide variety of sensors, whose aim is to increase military capabilities & gather intelligence when the environment is hostile. To support the Armed Forces, Bertin Instruments has designed, developed & manufactured a whole range of optronic solutions dedicated to the improvement of local situational awareness & consequently the protection of soldiers & the enhancement of decision-making. The OEM camera module CamSight LP is one of those. Compliant with military standard, this passive imaging system is able to detect thermal radiation & produce high-quality pictures in the darkest nights, thus providing operators with valuable, strategic information. When integrated into Exensor’ Scout camera, CamSight LP becomes a precious asset within the Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) system Flexnet. Indeed, as a tailored solution, Flexnet is based on wireless, battery-operated sensors (seismic, acoustic & infrared), combined with day/night motion cameras, to be rapidly deployed on operations. Operating over a mesh network, CamSight LP is consequently an essential component of the system, as it confirms the nature of the detected threat & increases both effectiveness & coordination of the team.

Ultra-compact, ruggedized & easy-to-install, CamSight LP is especially designed for manufacturers & integrators to equip complex optronic devices such as Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, combat vehicles, etc. The lightweight camera, fitted with a LYNRED’s infrared sensor, comes with an uncooled system & a shutterless technology that enable real-time, freeze-free image delivery. Thanks to its impact-resistant design, its low-power consumption (= 1 Watt) & its outstanding image quality, CamSight LP is a valuable asset for any fixed or mobile surveillance application under harsh operational conditions. Having a 19-milimeters lens (32° Field-Of-View) in its standard configuration, the Scout camera is also available with 3 optional lens – 60mm (10°), 35mm (18°) & 25mm (25°) – to clearly extend the operator’s FOV. As an early warning device, the CamSight LP-equipped camera acts as a backup team, allowing soldiers to focus on their mission’s purpose & to free up capacity, without fearing for their personal safety. Using intelligent motion detection, the Flexnet’s camera performs advanced recognition to remotely obtain relevant information. Providing the operators with extra sharp eyes, it supports intelligence gathering of the enemy’s movements, dispositions & intents by contributing to a better understanding of the ground.
Improving the operators’ situational awareness, the Made-in-France camera module of Bertin Instruments allows for early warning detection & identification of potential threats in harsh operational conditions. When integrated into sensors like Exensor’ Scout camera, CamSight LP enables them to remotely dispel doubt, in time to take necessary actions & protect themselves & their interests.


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Improving the operators’ situational awareness, the Made-in-France camera module of Bertin Instruments allows for early warning detection & identification of potential threats in harsh operational conditions. When integrated into sensors like Exensor’ Scout camera, CamSight LP enables them to remotely dispel doubt, in time to take necessary actions & protect themselves & their interests.


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