Industries - Bertin Technologies


Bertin instruments develops innovative sampling, detection and measurement solutions for high added value markets. Bertin instruments solutions and teams are dedicated to the key worldwide industries of Nuclear, Defense & Security, Safety, Life Sciences and Environment.

Bertin Instruments is providing state of the art solutions to «monitor the invisible».

Its wide range of devices are addressing different markets for multiple applications. Since the very earliest days of its creation, Bertin has always addressing highly demanding markets to succeed all challenges. Strong of this expertise, Bertin Instruments developed the major patented successes in a range of innovative equipment, dedicated to the Nuclear, Defense & Security, Safety, Life Sciences and Environment industries.

Range of products
for Industries

Radon monitoring – detection and meter

A complete range of products for Radon risk assessment, from personal exposure to reference radon measurements.

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Détection de gaz

Les gaz explosifs ou toxiques sont une menace constante pour l’industrie ainsi que pour la sécurité civile et militaire. Second Sight est un instrument innovant basé sur un système d’alerte rapide, qui permet de protéger les infrastructures et la population.

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Surveillance radiologique de l’environnement

Acteur majeur de la détection et la mesure de la radioactivité, Bertin Instruments fournit un large éventail de systèmes fixes ou mobiles pour la surveillance radiologique de l’environnement.

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Air monitoring

Coriolis Air samplers collect biological particles in the air which offer new perspectives for the control of airborne contamination thanks to its liquid sample.

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Sample preparation homogenizers

Sample preparation is critical to master molecules extraction from biological samples. Bertin Health & Life Sciences offers efficient and flexible Precellys tissue homogenizers for grinding any samples prior to analysis.

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Bertin Technologies provides optronic observation and surveillance solutions (visible and infrared) for strategic, civilian and military applications, requiring optimal optical performance and enhanced day and night vision.

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Homogénéisation de tissus – préparation d’échantillons

La préparation d’échantillons est essentielle pour maîtriser l’extraction de molécules à partir d’échantillons biologiques. Bertin Health & Life Sciences propose les homogénéisateurs de tissus biologiques Precellys. Ils sont efficaces et flexibles pour broyer tout type d’échantillon avant l’analyse.

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Environmental Radiation Monitoring

As a key player in the detection and measurement of radioactivity, Bertin Instruments provides a complete range of fixed or mobile systems for environmental radiation monitoring.

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Gas detection sytems and sensors

Explosive or toxic gases are a constant threat to industry as well as civil and military security. Second Sight is an innovative instrument to protect infrastructures and population based on an early warning system.

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Surveillance professionnelle du radon

Une gamme complète de produits pour évaluer les risques liés au radon, depuis l’exposition personnelle jusqu’aux mesures de radon de référence.

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Bertin Technologies conçoit des solutions d’observation et surveillance optronique (visible et infrarouge) pour des applications civiles et militaires stratégiques, qui requiert des performances optiques optimales ainsi qu’une vision diurne et nocturne améliorée.

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