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News for Sample preparation homogenizers

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Bertin Instruments to exhibit @Neuroscience 2017, booth #515

26 Oct 2017

Join our team booth #515 at SFN’s annual meeting, at the Walter E. Convention Center in Washington, DC on November 12th to 15th, to discover our range of laboratory equipment, including the Precellys homogenizers, and the InCellis cell imager. Don’t miss our Precellys demonstrations every day at 10AM and 2PM! Challenge the InCellis cell confluency calculation […]

Raise the awareness on Alzheimer’s disease Bertin Technologies 11147

Raise the awareness on Alzheimer’s disease

21 Sep 2017

World Alzheimer’s Day is an opportunity for all Alzheimer organizations to raise the awareness about Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This year  the theme of ‘Remember me’ was chosen to highlight the importance of early detection and diagnosis of dementia. The World Health Organization declares that “The total number of people with dementia worldwide in 2010 is […]


Maximize your sample preparation in Lyme disease research

02 Aug 2017

Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne disease, is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks while small mammals are confirmed reservoirs. Because diagnosing Lyme can be difficult, many people who actually have Lyme may be misdiagnosed with other conditions. Untreated patients may go on to develop severe […]

Improve sample preparation in Multiple Sclerosis research Bertin Technologies 10291

Improve sample preparation in Multiple Sclerosis research

24 Jul 2017

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common neurologic disorders in the world with more than 2.3 million people affected (WHO 2013). It is described as a chronic & unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It is an immune-mediated disorder, in which the immune system incorrectly attacks healthy tissue in the CNS. […]

Read Precellys Insights regarding the microbiome Bertin Technologies 9810

Read Precellys Insights regarding the microbiome

30 Jun 2017

Microbiomes are constituted by abundant microbial communities, that can’t be put aside and ignored. In human bodies for example, there are ten times more microbial cells than actual human cells, that is why it is essential to understand them better. There are more and more pressing questions regarding the influence upon human body of these […]

SelectScence Seal of Quality

Precellys recognized with a SelectScience® Seal of Quality!

30 Jun 2017

SelectScience, scientific web platform, announced the first recipients of the new SelectScience Seal of Quality program, acknowledging the products that have consistently received the highest review ratings. This program intends to further assist scientists in making important purchase decisions. The new Seals are assigned to approximately 0.1 % of the products showcased on the SelectScience® […]


Bertin launched Cryolys Evolution, compatible with Precellys Evolution – Read the Press Release!

17 May 2017

Bertin Instruments is pleased to present Cryolys Evolution, the new cooling system specially adapted for Precellys Evolution tissue homogenizer. This new version of Cryolys is installed on the top of Bertin’s Precellys Evolution homogenizer without any air pipe or power cable – it is powered directly through the Precellys unit. End-users may control both devices […]


Discover our latest lab equipment solutions at Experimental Biology, booth #1238 from 22 to 26 April!

06 Apr 2017

Bertin Instruments will be attending Experimental Biology to showcase the InCellis and its latest innovations in the Precellys product range in booth #1238 at the McCormick Place Convention Center (West Building) in Chicago, from 22 to 26 April 2017. This annual meeting of six societies comprised of more than 14,000 scientists and 50 guest societies focuses on […]


From the ice age to the smart age!

30 Mar 2017

Trying to keep your molecules “in shape”? Meet us at AACR and try the latest solution for an efficient and sensitive sample preparation in exclusivity at the booth. Some clues about our newcomer in the Precellys range: 1- It is almost invisible 2- It is cool! 3- It loves to hug the Precellys Evolution, tissue […]


Precellys homogenizers for efficient DNA/RNA extraction

27 Feb 2017

Worldwide obesity is a growing health problem, linked with an increased risk of associated chronic disease. Today, the World Health Organization is even speaking “about – globesity – and if immediate action is not taken, millions will suffer from an array of serious health disorders”. As the general public and international authorities slowly start to […]


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