Following the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, the Nuclear Emergency Task Force (Force d’Action Rapide Nucléaire – FARN) was set up by EDF and trained to intervene immediately in a crisis situation. To ensure optimal reactivity in the event of a nuclear incident, Bertin offered FARN the GammaTRACER Spider probe. Focus on the radiation monitoring system provided to EDF.

Environmental radiation monitoring systems (ERMS) are present around nuclear power plants and provide the link between the outside and inside of the site to detect any radioactive leaks and prevent overexposure to ionising radiation. In accordance with the nuclear transparency law, France’s Nuclear Safety Authority (ARSN) publishes the radioactivity measurement readings taken around facilities to inform the public of any risks observed near inhabited areas. However, in the event of a major incident (natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc.), the entire ERMS system can be damaged, depriving the operational teams of crucial information on the radiological situation.

The Nuclear Rapid Action Force (FARN), set up by EDF following the Fukushima incident, is entirely dedicated to nuclear crisis management. To help the FARN in its missions, Bertin proposed the GammaTRACER Spider probe integrated to EDF’s radiological monitoring networks. The GammaTRACER Spider measures, records and transmits gamma dose rate values ??in the environment. The probe has numerous advantages, including easy installation, continuous, maintenance-free operation, and battery life of up to 10 years, making it ideal for stationary and mobile operations.

Read the application note for more information